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Weaver H.S. (Hartford, CT) Class of 1953

Pictures from 1972-73

     I was going through a box of old pictures and ran across the pictures below.  They were taken in 1973, or possibly 1972.  Since these pictures were from a time before I became a "bit more organized", I can only guess they may be from the 20th Reunion.
     I recognize most of the people, but am a bit embarassed to admit not having a clue on a couple of faces.
     Several of the classmates pictured are no longer with us, but I thought you still would like to see what we looked like in the early 1970s.
     Click on the pictures to see larger images.  Enjoy.

WHS The 1970s - 1
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WHS The 1970s - 2
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WHS The 1970s - 3
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WHS The 1970s - 4
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